English, asked by beneathabhujel1, 2 months ago

Some guidelines for writing stories are given below. You
may write stories in your own words following the
1. George was a good boy - kind hearted - helped the poor -
helped the blind people cross the busy road - himself poor -
always helpful - liked by all. Frank - big bully in class - teased
the weaker boys - laughed at beggars - punished many
times - no change - teased George.
One day - boy fell from the window - nobody helped
George took him - hospital - home late - mother scolded.
Next day in school - everybody talked about George - Frank
teased - laughed at him - called him 'little hero' - a man
came - thanked George - saved his son - a very rich man -
gave him money - anytime George needed any help -
George happy - all happy - Frank ashamed.
2. Pooja - a lazy girl - sleep long - study very little - not listen
to her parents - not listen to her teachers - talk a lot - fight
with boys.
Failed in Half-yearly exam - ashamed - boys teased - mother
shouted - father angry - very sad - cried - lost hope to study
One day - saw ants working - looked carefully - hard working
- not talking too much - helping each other - failing and
trying again - never losing hope - decided to work hard - get
up early - not talk too much - although failed - try again and


Answered by fanitarahangdale1


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