Positive emotions have unique capacity to capture attention., progress in brain research
Most of the previous research in the area of cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience focused on studying negative emotions and argued that the negative emotional stimuli capture attention involuntarily as compared to neutral stimuli. However, in the last decades, researchers started paying attention in studying positive emotions also as positive emotions have evolutionary significance and are essential for many aspects of our life. The theme of this chapter is to present an overview of research in the area of positive emotions, and make a case that positively-valenced stimulus is prioritized over others. Primarily, when attentional resources are not constrained, many studies have shown that similar to negative stimuli, positive stimuli also capture attention automatically irrespective of whether they are relevant or irrelevant to the primary task. It suggests a fundamental prioritization of these stimuli by the cognitive/motivational system. However, when attentional resources are constrained, only positive or high rewarding stimuli win the competition for attentional resources compared to negative or stimuli associated with high punishment. Positive or high rewarding stimuli also receive priority in temporal selection, when attention is constrained. Theoretical implications of these results have been discussed. Possible cognitive and neural mechanisms have been proposed underlying these effects.