Geography, asked by Gaurav22551, 9 months ago



Answered by harsh8116


Agriculture was and will always be one of the most important occupations since it is responsible for feeding the world and providing sustenance.However, due to modernization and the ever-increasing population, agriculture is facing some hurdles lately. These issues are impacting the production of agricultural crops both in qualitative as well as in quantitative terms.

The problems of agriculture are many, but the article below discusses a few of the most influential ones that end up governing the agricultural sector widely. These problems vary from small to big and are different for different countries all over the world. Despite that, the underlying issues of agriculture faced globally are along the same lines.

Here are the major issues and solutions to agricultural problems:

Not Enough Agricultural Land

This problem of agriculture is faced by people all over the world. The steady industrial growth coupled with the ever-increasing urbanization is leaving little to no room for any agricultural land. Deforestation and concrete jungles are taking up maximum area leaving little to no room for farming.

The land that already exists cannot be used continuously year after year since it needs a couple of years to breathe. In addition to that, farmers prefer growing money-making crops like indigo in comparison to grains and other eatables.

Until the issue of enough availability of agricultural land exists, one cannot expect significant improvement in this sector.

Limited Resources

This is another problem we face in agriculture. Even if one wants to go all out with their agricultural techniques, this cannot be made possible. The earth can only suffice its subjects with limited resources. Raw materials, water, and land for farming are all available in limited quantities. And lack of funds make it all the more difficult to work on an agricultural project and give  it all the hard work and appreciation it deserves.

The storage facilities for crops, after harvesting, are  also finite. The number of people willing to actually go out there are toil in the fields is decreasing day by day. If nothing else, the machinery and equipment needed for farming are also scarce in most countries.

Diminishing Varieties

In the earlier days of agriculture, farmers produced a large variety of crops. Bothe eatables and money-fetching crops were produced in abundance. However, with the passage of time and increased industrialization, farmers moved towards producing large quantities of few types of crops.

The reason for doing so is that it is cheaper to produce large quantities of a single kind of crop than to produce small chunks of multiple different varieties. The same is the case with livestock too. The diminishing varieties of crops is one of the most underrated problems of agriculture that hardly anyone is seen talking about.

Use of Artificial Alternatives

With the advent of various commercialized seeds, agriculture is moving towards becoming more and more artificial.

Other than that, pesticides and insecticides also add to the chemical composition of the crops resulted from such seeds. Unfortunately, organic farming is not the norm but is a luxury instead. And organic farming is quite expensive too.

Most farmers don’t prefer to go out of their way in order to make sure that their crops are completely naturally produced. Also, artificial farming alternatives are not the best option to consider as far as the health of the people is concerned. but that is a topic for another day. all in all, as long as this problem of agriculture prevails, it is difficult for people to rely on it as an only profession.

Lack of Financial Support

In almost all developing countries, agriculture is the main occupation of a majority of people. However, it is not given its due importance. Farmers in such countries are hardly given any financial benefits, and the schemes designed in their favor rarely make it to them.

Insects, poverty, and lack of irrigation facilities are only a few of the issues that farmers face on a daily basis.

Even in developed countries, it is not difficult to spot farmers who lack basic financial and technical support. The masses don’t realize how difficult it is to fund a farming project without adequate financial backup form the government.

Investing in good quality seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, and irrigation facilities all need to be funded and only then can we expect considerable growth in the agricultural sector.


True that agriculture is the most important of all professions. However, the problems faced by farmers are many and are pretty impossible to overlook. Despite this fact, collective measures are being taken by unions and organizations all over the world in order to address this issue, and give agriculture its due importance and attention.

The machinery for farming also need to be upgraded if one intends to see agriculture growing as a capital sector.



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