Biology, asked by aadityaworld20, 10 months ago

Possible treatments for covid 19 big essay ​


Answered by arielvinoya83


If you feel sick you should rest, drink plenty of fluid, and eat nutritious food. Stay in a separate room from other family members, and use a dedicated bathroom if possible. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.


You should rest and drink plenty of water and if you do The water will travel in your lungs if you don't know and that's the reason why our blood is red

Answered by Suhas107


What is the treatment for COVID-19? 

There is no currently available vaccine for COVID-19. However, many of the symptoms can be treated

and getting early care from a healthcare provider can make the disease less dangerous. There are

several clinical trials that are being conducted to evaluate potential therapeutics for COVID-19.

How can the spread of COVID-19 be slowed down or prevented?

As with other respiratory infections like the flu or the common cold, public health measures are critical to

slow the spread of illnesses. Public health measures are everyday preventive actions that include:

✓ staying home when sick;

✓ covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of

used tissue immediately;

✓ washing hands often with soap and water; and

✓ cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects.

As we learn more about COVID-19 public health officials may recommend additional actions.

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