post covid situation essay in our words
Covid 19 will emerge as a game-changer in the society. Work from home culture shall have become a corporate fashion. People may shift to e-commerce for buying most of the commodities and therefore bright future for some of the service sectors which may include: E-commerce portal and their allied courier services. Hopefully, our Government shall ensure smooth supply of essential goods even after 6 months the pandemic is over. However, to avoid traumatic life as witnessed after previous pandemics, it is suggested people should eat a balanced diet now to fight probable malnutrition period, if any, for a longer duration. It is also suggested people should consider living in less population density areas. The most important habit required to be inculcated in our routine shall be to avoid touching things unnecessarily on public places, frequent hand wash even after the pandemic is over (at least for one year) to avoid its re-occurrence as has been seen in previous pandemics.
Wild animals have started wandering around the cities across the world and environment experts claim that the ozone layer has started healing itself and may recover fully. Nobody knows what the future of humanity after the pandemic, but it is certain that the climate and environment of Earth are going to be