potato osmosis graph
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As the potato cells contain lots of solutes in their water, the water in the beaker will move into the potato cells via osmosis, causing them to become heavier. Thus the increase in mass corresponds to the rate of osmosis.
Both the whole cubes had approximately the same rate of increase in mass – about 5%/hr. The diced cubes had a faster rate of about 7.4 and 8.8%/hr. This was predicted, as diffusion occurs through all the surfaces, so will occur faster through a larger surface area.
It would be interesting to do more replicates with different surface areas, and plot the increase in mass against the surface area to volume ratio (SA:V). One would think there would be a linear pattern, but perhaps not. In the graph above, the SA:V ratio was 3.2:1 for the whole cubes, and 6.4:1 for the 8 cubes, as my cubes were originally 2×2×1.7 cm in size.