``poverty a big challenge for India``
yes poverty is big challenge for india.
Poverty is an acute social problem. In general, a person is poor, who is deprived of
fulfilling his daily basic needs, like food, shelter, clothing, and now education and health needs.
Today, poverty can be defined in terms of the psychological needs along with other needs.
Poverty is considered in two concepts namely, relative poverty and absolute poverty. Relative
poverty means a comparative concept of one’s income with the income of another. Here the
fulfillment of daily basic needs is not taken into account. The absolute poverty refers to the fact
that the daily basic needs are not fulfilled. This kind of poverty is found in the developing
countries, like India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh etc.
Causes of Poverty
Population Explosion: If the population growth of the last decade is compared it is obvious that
there is an alarming figures and facts, which can make the planning commission and the governments spellbound.
Low Literacy rate: As regards the literacy rate, it is the reflection of the rural india and
Chhattisgarh, that inspite of so many literacy programmes and the education policy in the nation,
so many people are uneducated. Due to which the rate of poverty is increasing day by day. The
data given below depicts the picture of literacy rate of India and Chhattisgarh.
Economic Backwardness of the county: This situation is found in the rural areas, where most of
the farmers are involved in the agriculture work. More than 50% farmers depend on the mansoon
for the cultivation work, since the irrigation facilities have not been provided. Economically, the
country is backward. It is also reflected due to less production in the industrial sector.
Lack of Employment and Commercial oriented education: India has progressed a lot compared
to the last two decades in the field of education. However there is lack of job-oriented education.
People in general are not so aware of the fact that in what way they will be able to get jobs. How
to identify the nature of jobs and how to prepare for the same. Hence a proper guidance is
required according to the present situation.
Casteism: Casteism is one of the main hinderances in the path of development. It enhances the
poverty more especially in the rural area.
Suggestive Solution to Mitigate the Poverty
Population control: It is very important to control population-explosion in the country. Due to
this problem the other problems, like, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, inhumanness,
terrorism, murders, suicides, crimes, dacoits etc. are erupting like mushrooms in the society.
Commercial and job-oriented education: India needs to give enough attention on the job-oriented
Development of the basic infrastructures in the country: It is a call of the time that the basic
infrastructure facilities have to be developed.
Along with the above mentioned points, there should be increase in the literacy rate, increase in
the employment opportunities, increase in the production of the agriculture crops (5.6%
agriculture growth rate), enhancing the industrialization, increase in the credit facilities etc.
Moreover, an honest and sincere implementation of the schemes and programmes related to poverty alleviation.