Psychology, asked by abanuo, 6 months ago

poverty and globalisation of childhood in modern day


Answered by AdhishaSahni


The word 'globalization' sprang from the economic world and slowly proliferated to all other spheres of life. The concept came from the developed nations to justify the expanse and reach of multinational companies. Globalization stands for open competition in market, liberal policies and free trade.

This phenomenon has immense implications. First and foremost, it has inherent structures of hierarchy. The 'center' lies with the west. It establishes the superiority of western things like advanced technology, money, cut throat competition, nuclear families, success at any rate etc. It sidelines Eastern concepts like joint family system, peace of mind, mutual trust, spirituality and the art of enjoying life. The race of globalization is blind. By impact, globalization swallows other cultures. It promotes one culture – culture of utter hunger, display, 'tamsik' pleasures. Globalization kills plurality. It finishes the romance, the mystery of life. Everything gets reduced to pay package, hotel living, canned MNC food, rapid technological changes and fast changing paradigms. Nothing remains certain.


Hope it helps... ♥️

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