Social Sciences, asked by Anufarazz2168, 7 months ago

Poverty in India 300
World in speech


Answered by Ishaan2506


Explanation:Poverty refers to a situation when people are expropriated of basic needs of life. It is often characterised by lack of food, shelter and clothes. In other words, poverty is a state of privation where there is a lack of essential needs for existence.

India is one of the poorest countries in the world. Large population in Indian do not get two-time meals a day. They do not have good shelter to live. Their children do not get proper education.

The main causes of Poverty in India are growing Population, poor agriculture, gap between rich and poor, corruption and black money. The growing population inflates the problem of poor techniques used in Agriculture. Also there is unequal distribution of wealth. As a result, the poor people are often exploited by the wealthy community.

Effects of poverty are increasing Illiteracy rates as people below poverty line makes up greater share of illiterate population, child labour is increasing as young boys and girls have to engaged in labour to fulfil family needs. Poverty is the leading cause of insufficient diet and inadequate nutrition.

Poverty can alleviate by taking following steps

The ever-rising population have to control.

Family planning schemes should be introduced

Farmers must be trained and educated.

New farming techniques must introduced

Farmers should get proper facilities for irrigation.

Agriculture must be made profitable.

More and more industries have to set up to remove unemployment.

Free schooling must provided to poor.

Gap between rich and poor have to be removed.

Corruption must end.

Poverty is a major problem in the World and it have to be solved on a serious note. Our government is taking a large number of steps to reduce poverty. Eradication of poverty would ensure a sustainable and inclusive growth of economy and society. We all should do our best to help alleviate poverty from our country.

it would help you

Answered by ashwieenpradhan876


Poverty! Poverty is lack of food, Poverty is lack of shelter, Poverty is being sick and can not afford medicines, Poverty is knowing how to read but can’t afford going to School, Poverty is being  unemployed. And Poverty is lack of representation and freedom.

Poverty has so many faces, and can describe in different ways. Most often, poverty is a situation people want to escape. We have to take the step to reduce poverty so that many more may have enough food to eat, adequate shelter to cover their head, access to education and health.

Overpopulation and underdevelopment in the country is the main cause for poverty. The birth rate in India is very high and the former has taken the measure of the ‘one child policy’ to change the situation, but the latter has not made any effort yet. Underdevelopment is another reason, the country do not have enough economic growth to support their growing populations.

Poverty in India can eradicate with some effective programmes, just need a joint effort from everyone not only from the government. Government of India should make effective policies aiming to develop rural areas through the key components like primary education, population control policies, family welfare, job creation and many more.


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