Powerful NumberTouka is fan of big numbers, so when her friend kuroko gives her a positive number N she calculates M=2Npower N) and tell it to him .But since M can be very large so it is very difficult for her to tell it to kuroko. So shecalculate the sum of digits of M till she gets a single digit number and tells it to kuroko.Touka is very tired of the calculation and needs your help to calculate it for her.Her friend kuroko asks her T queries.In each query you will be given N as inputPrint the answer reqired in each query.ExampleLet's assume that N=6 then M = 26 = 64.
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static int power(int N, int P) {
if (P == 0)
return 1;
return N * power(N, P - 1);
private static boolean isMultiDigitString(String a) {
if (a.length() > 1) {
return true;
return false;
private static void solve() {
int n = 10;
System.out.println(power(2, n));
int M = power(2, n);
String mString = new String("" + M);
Integer b = new Integer(mString);
System.out.println("b ="+b);
while (isMultiDigitString(b.toString())) {
Integer tmp = new Integer(0);
for (int i = 0; i < b.toString().length(); i++) {
tmp += Integer.parseInt((String.valueOf(b.toString().charAt(i))));
System.out.println(mString.charAt(i) + "...." + "i =" + b);
b = tmp;
public static void main(String[] arg) {