powers of president and prim minister
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What powers do the president and prime minister of India hold on each other?
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Govarthanan GC, Indian by Birth | Indian by Thought | My India, My Pride
Answered Nov 16 2016 · Author has 296 answers and 738.3k answer views
Originally Answered: What are the powers of prime minister of India?
Let we Know, Who were all Prime Ministers of India,

Prime Minister :
The prime minister enjoys the following powers as head of the Union council of ministers:
1. He recommends persons who can be appointed as ministers by the president. The president can appoint only those persons as ministers who are recommended by the prime minister.
2. He presides over the meeting of council of ministers and influences its decisions.
3. He can ask a minister to resign or advise the president to dismiss him in case of difference of opinion.
4. He allocates and reshuffles various portfolios among the ministers.
5. He guides, directs, controls, and coordinates the activities of all the ministers. 6. He can bring about the collapse of the council of ministers by resigning from office.
The prime minister enjoys the following powers in relation to the president:
1. He is the principal channel of communication between the president and the council of ministers.
2. He advises the president with regard to the appointment of important officials like attorney general of India, comptroller and auditor general of India, chairman and members of the UPSC, election commissioners, chairman and members of the finance commission and so on.
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Govarthanan GC, Indian by Birth | Indian by Thought | My India, My Pride
Answered Nov 16 2016 · Author has 296 answers and 738.3k answer views
Originally Answered: What are the powers of prime minister of India?
Let we Know, Who were all Prime Ministers of India,

Prime Minister :
The prime minister enjoys the following powers as head of the Union council of ministers:
1. He recommends persons who can be appointed as ministers by the president. The president can appoint only those persons as ministers who are recommended by the prime minister.
2. He presides over the meeting of council of ministers and influences its decisions.
3. He can ask a minister to resign or advise the president to dismiss him in case of difference of opinion.
4. He allocates and reshuffles various portfolios among the ministers.
5. He guides, directs, controls, and coordinates the activities of all the ministers. 6. He can bring about the collapse of the council of ministers by resigning from office.
The prime minister enjoys the following powers in relation to the president:
1. He is the principal channel of communication between the president and the council of ministers.
2. He advises the president with regard to the appointment of important officials like attorney general of India, comptroller and auditor general of India, chairman and members of the UPSC, election commissioners, chairman and members of the finance commission and so on.
Answered by
➡He chairs the cabinet meetings and Co- ordinate the work of different departments. His decision are final in case disagreement arise between departments
➡He exercises general supervision of different ministries.All workers work under his leadership.
➡The Prime Minister distributes and redistributes work to the Ministers.
➡He also has the power to dismiss ministers. When the prime minister quits, the entire ministry quits.
➡All government activities takes place in the name of president.
➡All laws and major policy decisions of the government are issued in his name.
➡All international treaties and agreements are made in the name of president.
➡The president is the supreme commander of the defence forces of India .
➡He chairs the cabinet meetings and Co- ordinate the work of different departments. His decision are final in case disagreement arise between departments
➡He exercises general supervision of different ministries.All workers work under his leadership.
➡The Prime Minister distributes and redistributes work to the Ministers.
➡He also has the power to dismiss ministers. When the prime minister quits, the entire ministry quits.
➡All government activities takes place in the name of president.
➡All laws and major policy decisions of the government are issued in his name.
➡All international treaties and agreements are made in the name of president.
➡The president is the supreme commander of the defence forces of India .
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