powersof rajaya sabha and lok Sabha
The lok sabha has certain power that make that more powerful than the rajya sabha.Motions of no of confidence against the Government make can be introduced and passed in the lok sabha if passed by a majority vote the prime minister of India and the council of minister resign collectively...
The Rajya Sabha performs several functions and these are largely as important as functions of the Lok Sabha. However, in financial matters, the Rajya Sabha plays a distinctly secondary role.
(i) Legislative Powers:
All non-Money Bills can be introduced in either House of the Parliament and such a bill, to be an Act, must be passed by both Houses of the Parliament. Thus any non-Money Bill can originate in the Rajya Sabha, and if a non-Money Bill been initiated and approved by the Lok Sabha, it has to be approved by the Rajya Sa before it becomes an Act. Similarly, a non-Money Bill, originating in and approved by Rajya Sabha, has to be passed by the Lok Sabha before it becomes a law.
(ii) Financial Powers:
The Rajya Sabha has power to delay a Money Bill, but not for more than fourteen days. It may be remembered that in case of non-Money Bills the Rajya Sabha has power to delay them for six months. There is provision for joint sitting if there is disagreement between the two Houses over any non-money bill. But there is no such provision for joint sitting in case of disagreement between them over a Money Bill.
Whether a bill is a Money Bill or not will be decided by the Speaker of the Low House. The Upper House has no power to decide it.
(iii) Control over Executive:
Though the Rajya Sabha is not an equal of the Lok Sabha in controlling the Executive, its powers, in this respect, are not insignificant. True the Council of Ministers is responsible only to the Lok Sabha, but the Ministers are not totally free from control by the Rajya Sabha. Through questioning, the members of Rajya Sabha can elicit information about Ministers. They can criticize the latter, their Departments and policies. And it has to be kept in mind that criticisms by the Elders (members of the Rajya Sabha) are taken seriously by Ministers.
Moreover, the Rajya Sabha has power of investigation on any governmental affair. The Rajya Sabha has no power to pass a vote of non confidence against the Council of Ministers, while the Lok Sabha has this power. But in several ways, the Upper House can have control over the Central Executive, though such control is limited and mostly indirect.
(iv) Judicial Power:
In the impeachment of the President of India, the Rajya Sabha has coequal powers with the Lok Sabha. This power of impeachment is shared by both Houses. The Rajya Sabha can draw up charges against the President. In that case, the Lok Sabha shall sit as the Court of Investigation. If the Lok Sabha draws up charges, it is the Rajya Sabha which will sit as the Court of Investigation.
The power to remove the Vice-President of India is shared by the Upper House and the Lower House. The motion for his removal is to be passed in the Upper House by the majority of its members and then it is to be approved by the Lower House. Similarly, the two Houses share power to remove the judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts. The Upper House has power to punish persons committing the breach of privilege.
(vi) Electoral Power:
The Rajya Sabha takes part in the election of the President as well as of the Vice-President of India. The Vice-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is also elected by its members.
(i) Legislative Powers:
As said above, the Rajya Sabha can delay a non-Money Bill, already passed by Lok Sabha, for a period of six months. This power to delay may enable the members Rajya Sabha to properly review and revise the bill which might have been passed hastily by the other House. This is a check on hasty and ill-considered legislation.
(ii) Financial Powers:
The Rajya Sabha has power to delay a Money Bill, but not for more than fourteen days. It may be remembered that in case of non-Money Bills the Rajya Sabha has power to delay them for six months. There is provision for joint sitting if there is disagreement between the two Houses over any non-money bill. But there is no such provision for joint sitting in case of disagreement between them over a Money Bill.
Whether a bill is a Money Bill or not will be decided by the Speaker of the Low House. The Upper House has no power to decide it.
(iii) Control over Executive:
Moreover, the Rajya Sabha has power of investigation on any governmental affair. The Rajya Sabha has no power to pass a vote of non confidence against the Council of Ministers, while the Lok Sabha has this power. But in several ways, the Upper House can have control over the Central Executive, though such control is limited and mostly indirect.
(iv) Judicial Power:
The power to remove the Vice-President of India is shared by the Upper House and the Lower House. The motion for his removal is to be passed in the Upper House by the majority of its members and then it is to be approved by the Lower House. Similarly, the two Houses share power to remove the judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts. The Upper House has power to punish persons committing the breach of privilege.