Prabhu while walking in his garden was bitten by an ant. He was screaming with pain. His sister
made a paste of baking soda with water and applied on the bitten surface. After few minutes
he felt relieved from his pain.
(i) What causes the pain when a person is bitten by an ant?
(ii) What is the chemical name of baking soda?
(iii) What is the nature of baking soda?
(iv) Name the reaction that occurs between baking soda and the substance injected by the ant.
Study about the reactions of acids and bases.
When acid is mixed with the base it neutralizes the reaction and gives salt as a product.
Correct option−
Option B is correct.
The ant bites are acidic in nature. So, its effects can be neutralized by bicarbonate of soda such a baking soda or an alkali (i.e basic in nature).
I)Ants don't literally 'bite' you. They just let out a small drop of acidic venom off their mouths on to your skin which causes you to feel that blistering pain like a burn.
2) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
3)it is basic or alkaline in nature
4)The acid present in an ant sting is methanoic acid (formic acid). The chemical formula is HCOOH. To get relief, one should apply any available basic salt, e.g baking soda (NaHCO
) on it