the following questions in one word:
Answer the following a
von weak rocks formed by action of waves
Natural cavity on weak rock
bankment on a river that keeps it in channel
b/ Embankment
v area where sand dunes are found
d Dry area wheres
d) Small hill of san
all hill of sand caused by the action of the wind
formed by river deposits during time of flood
e) Flat plain formed by riv.
Loop like the bend of a river
sand deposited by the action of the wind
g) Fine sand dep
chaped body of water formed by a meandering river
h Crescent shaped body
erpendicular face of a rock along a sea
1) Steep perpendicular fa
-ts of land formed by the river deposits at the mouth of a river
Alluvial tracts of land
of boulder and coarse material carried by glacier
k) Debris of boulder
ted mass of rising steep rock near a coastline
0 Isolated mass of risi
fall of water caused by friction of wind on water surface
m) Rise and fall of wate
en descent of water in the bed of a river
n) Sudden descent of
ofice which erode the landscape by bulldozing soil and stones to expose the solid rocks below
o The "rivers of ice" which erode
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