English, asked by shaikhshemina2504, 7 months ago

practice makes perfect expand it​


Answered by chhayashivarkar123


This proverb encourages us to keep on practicing even when we are tired. We can achieve proficiency in any field through regular practice.

Working hard makes us more proficient. Hobbies such as music, painting and more take practice.

Habitual action soon becomes second nature. This is something substantiated by everyday life. The more we practice something, the better we get at it.

Practice makes us perfect and we can see the truth of this phrase borne out in many walks of life. Whether we are learning to play a new instrument or learning to drive a car, it is certainly true that the more that we practice the better we will get. You may have found, on the other hand, that if you do not pick up your guitar for a few years or you do not speak a certain language for a while, you get a little ‘rusty’.

Scientific studies and experience have borne out this proverb. One example is the so called 10, 000 hours rule. According to this rule, you can become competent or skilled at something by spending 10,000 hours doing it in a repeated manner. The rule holds for everything from playing guitar to painting.

Answered by guptasunit139


Practise can make everything possible for the man and make them profect on regular pontice Win any area. we must know the importance of practice in alle dialy life especially student · Now-o w-a-days, essay writing is one of the good strategies followed by teacher in the schoul and colleg in order to chenchane the english wi writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. Essay writing is also an effective way to gel views, new ideas and policy suggestion by the student about the typi

Hence practise make man prefect

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