Practice Question 9
9.1 Which five rights do you think are the most important to you, and why? Describe your answer in an
essay of not more than 120 words.
Five rights which are necessary and most important fir us are freedom, equality, respect, security and right to property.
Freedom is important because when we shall be free then we have to do work in positive manners. Like,free to better work for our country. And at home we also wants freedom for study the subjects which I want and do the job aa nd go in those field which you was thinking as Aim of your life.....
Equality is the most important fundamental right for a human beings to live better life. For an instance, in ancient period people was making difference between girls and boys child. That time girls are not allowed to go school. Today it is not seen. Now people's are developing , they are educating both their girls and boys children.
Respect also plays important role for our life. Life without respect is like a dead body are walking.
Today this is most important for us. Specially for girls , because they are not safe in these cruel world.
And security is important for the people who are adult and employed.
Security is also important for the children from kidnapper.
Right to property
it is also playing important role for human beings. Because money is the things which needs in each step of a person. Nowadays, we can listen in news and even study I papers that two brothers are quarralling with each other for their property. This is an example.
So, right to property is must