Prajesh opened an earphones company. Manufacturing cost of each earphone is Rs. 500, Raw material and transport cost is Rs 300 and Rs 100 resp. If company manufactured 150 earphones in first order and sold 50% of items on half of its cost price, then to get 50% profit on total cost, how much percent above of cost price should be remaining earphones sold ?
the answer is 75%
please correct are not tell me
To earn 50% profit on total cost the later half should be sold at 150% profit margin.
What is Profit and Loss ?
Profit is the amount made when a product is sold for more than it costs to produce.
A loss is defined as the sum the seller experiences after selling the product for less than its cost.
Cost price refers to the price paid to buy a good or commodity. Denoted as CP as well. This cost price is divided into two more categories:
- Fixed Cost: Under whatever conditions, the fixed cost remains constant.
- Variable Cost: It may change based on the quantity of units and other elements.
The selling price is the price at which a thing is sold. Typically, it is identified as SP. also known as a selling price on occasion.
Total cost price of a earphone = Manufacturing cost + RAw materials + transport cost.
= Rs ( 500 + 300 + 100) = Rs 900
Total cost of production = 150* 900 = Rs. 135000.
Selling price of half of the items = 900 * 0.5 = Rs. 450
Selling Price of half of the earphons together = 0.5 * 150 * 450 =
Rs. 33750.
Selling price of other half of the set is = (50% profit on 135000) - 33750 = (150/100 * 135000) - 33750 = Rs .168750
Selling Price of each earphone of the 2nd set = 168750/75 = Rs. 2250.
Profit = 2250 - 900 = Rs. 1350
Profit % on each earphone = 1350/900 * 100 = 150 %
To earn 50% profit on total cost the later half should be sold at 150% profit margin.
To learn more about Profit and Loss refer to :