Pranam _/\_
10.At which place Mahavira attained Niravana?
Options :
[A] Pavapuri
[B] Kundagram
[C] Vaishali
[D] Rajgriha
Ittu saa jaayda likh Dena, please :/ xD
Answer: Option - A [ Pavapuri ]
Mahavira attained Nirvana at the place Pavapuri.
• Mahavira or Vardhamana Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankara.
• Vardhamana Mahavira was 24 Jina as the first one was Rishabha.
• The word Jina means "Conqueror", the followers of Jina were called as "Jains".
• Mahavira belonged to Kshatriya family who left his home at the age of thirty years.
• He wandered 12years for the attainment of Kevala Jnana.
• Finally, at the age of 42 years Mahavira enlightened or attained Nirvana.
• Mahavira opposed the Vedas and did not believe in the existence of God.
• However, Mahavira was not the founder of Jainism instead he was preacher.
✏At which place Mahavira attained Niravana?
Options :
[A] Pavapuri✅✅
[B] Kundagram
[C] Vaishali
[D] Rajgriha
✍Option D, Pawapuri, bihar..
✳Jainism is one of the oldest religions of India. The jains believed that there were 24 Tirthankaras or teachers who helped in spreading the religion.
✴Risabha was the first tirthakara ,while Parshavanatha was the 23rd. The 24th and the most recent Tirthakara was Lord Mahavira who is the real founder of Jainism.
✳Every Jain had to take five vows....
- Ahimsa(Non violence)
- Satya(Truthfulness)
- Asetya(Non stealing)
- Aparigraha(Non possesion)
- Brahmacharya(Chastity)
✴Mahavira believed that every individual was in the bondage of Karma or the good and bad deeds. This are repeated cycles of Birth and Death.
✳To free oneself from the cycles of birtha births and death, one has to follow and practise the three ratnas or Three Jewels.
- Right conduct
- Right knowledge
- Right faith
✴Once the soul is free from the effect of karma, it reaches the highest heaven . This stage is called Nirvana.
✳Mahavira preached simple doctrines in popular dialects, such as Prakrit. Mahavira attarcted several followers in Mahavira and Angas
✴It is believed that After the death of Mahavira, a terrible famine broke out which lasted for twelve years. The followers and Jain groups found some differences in their belief after this, which caused the spliting of Jainism- Digambars(sky clad) and Swetambers.