Pratham Bhartiya Jisne Jute mill ki sthapna ki
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भारत में जूट का प्रथम कारखाना सन 1859 में स्कॉटलैंड के एक व्यापारी जार्ज ऑकलैंड ने बंगाल में श्रीरामपुर के निकट स्थापित किया और इन कारखानों की संख्या 1939 तक बढ़कर 105 हो गई।
don't forget to mark me as brainlist bro
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Sir Seth Hukum chand Jain
- Sir Seth Hukum chand Jain belong to Indore.
- He was Indian industrialist.
- His ancestors had migrated and settled at Indore in 1787.
- His father himself was a successful businessman.
- He initially worked with the firm established by his two uncles and father.
- He became a successful businessman by age 16.
- Later he became leading businessman of the country and became famous as " The Cotton Prince of India" also he was first Indian businessman who set up jute mill in India.
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