English, asked by hemamala5271, 7 months ago

Emerald Staff Writer
good deal of evidence of
tools and historie occupation, Dumond re.
houses have lated. The stuff (tools) looked
uncovered in Katmai
Na like it was 4.000 or 5.000 years
Monument in
southwest old and was similar to the stone
Don Dumond, assis implements from further north
tant professor of anthropology by the Bering Strait. It looked
and crews of graduate. The exca- like we had a chance of making
vation took four summers.
a sequence of southwest Alas-
Nost of the work has been ka."
done on the Brooks River which The following year. Dumond
runs a mile and a half between took five others to Alassa with
Brooks and Naknek Lakes, and him—three were on the Brooks
at Kukak Bay on the Pacific River and three on the Naknek
Coast on the other side of a moun River 30 miles away.
tain range. The diggings have
1,000 Year Gap
been made under research grants That year
got the rudi.
from the National Science Foun ments of a sequence of tools to
of the periods
dation and under research con- represent most
2,000 B.C. to 1.800 AD
tracts with the National Park Ser from
when the Russians arrived." De-
mond said. "Except there was a
Prehistorie Occupation
In 1960 plans for the diggings gap between 1000 B.C. and the
were begun by Luther s. Cress- year zero."
After skipping a summer. Du-
man of the anthropology depart-
ment, now professor emeritus, ac- mond took a crew of six with him
again in 1963—two surveyed the
cording to Dumond.
That year Dumond and another interior part of the monument
anthropologist went to Alaska ex- and five worked at Brooks Riv-
pecting to spend a year at er to try to fill up the 1000-year
Brooks River to study the salm- hole. The latter group found 26
on run as compared with past more dates with radio carbon.
years. Records dated back to "We were surprised that we
got things from southwest Alaska
Having engaged successfully with this article with the tips you have been
taught on skimming and scanning, could you answer the following
1. Where did the anthropologists find the prehistoric Eskimo tools?
2. In the vicinity of which river were these tools located?​


Answered by muddassir47

sorry the question is so large......

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