English, asked by kanchan123, 1 year ago

preamble of the constitution:road map for India


Answered by ruchisr123
Preamble of Indian Constitution was basically constructed in order to fulfill the dream of Mahatma Gandhi, that is, to create the India of his dreams. The Indian Constitution Preamble is used for interpreting some of the ambiguous portions of the Indian Constitution. The Preamble of Indian Constitution is considered to be a part of the Constitution of India after the orders of the Supreme Court. 

The main purposes of having a Preamble of Indian Constitution are:The Preamble of Indian Constitution refers to the source that is responsible for the authority of the ConstitutionThe Preambles of Indian Constitution also state the objectives of the Indian Constitution.The Preamble is considered to be one of the most significant parts of the Constitution of India. Focusing on the main objective of the Indian Constitution, the Preamble includes the four objectives -Equality, Justice, Fraternity and Liberty. 

Answered by Anonymous
PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUUTION:- WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a [SOVEREIGN SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all it's citizens.

Justice, social, economic and political

Liberty of thought,experssion.belief,faith and worship

Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all

Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the [unity and integrity of the Nation]


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