precautions about experiment to observe changes during combustion of sugars
*Housekeeping Measures: Eliminate or minimize combustible dust accumulation by design or controlled operating procedures.
*Equipment Grounding & Appropriately Rated Electrical Systems: Eliminate or minimize the build up of static electricity & periodically inspect that such measures remain effective, combined with the use of electrical systems designed for the hazardous area in which they are applied
*Equipment Venting: Discharge the products of combustion from a dust explosion to atmosphere safely in order to contain the pressure generated inside protected equipment below safe design limits
*Ensure the flameball generated by venting can be accepted
*Utilize ‘flameless venting’
*Utilize ducting to atmosphere when equipment is indoors
*Equipment Isolation: Introduce barriers to flame propagation that can prevent a primary dust explosion from amplifying into a typically much more severe secondary event
*Implement appropriately rated rotary air locks
*Implement appropriately designed screw conveyors
*Implement mechanical isolation barriers
*Pinch Valves
*Knife Gate Valves
*Implement chemical isolation barriers (particularly well suited to large and irregular ducting)
*Equipment Suppression: Prevent the development of a dust explosion by detecting its earliest stages and extinguishing its progress by the injection of an appropriate quenching agent
*Spark Detection: Optically detect the presence of hot particles in a pneumatic air flow or conveyor belt before they reach process equipment within which they become a source of ignition
The following types of process equipment are typically found where sugar dust is processed or handled:
*Filters / Dust Collectors
*Vertical Conveyors (e.g. bucket elevators)
*Horizontal Conveyors (e.g. belt conveyors)
*Silos, Bins & Hoppers