precautions to eodema people
Treatments & Interventions for Edema
- Reduce daily sodium intake.
- Avoid tight clothing and jewelry that could constrict the affected area.
- Avoid extreme temperatures.
- Keep the affected limb above your heart when possible.
- Lymphatic massage to the affected area can help move excess fluid.
Edema, (alternate spelling: oedema) formerly referred to as dropsy or hydropsy, is the swelling of the body's tissues due to excess interstitial fluid retention. Edema can occur locally, often affecting the extremities (peripheral edema), or generally, affecting the entire body (anasarca).
In the body, there are two main compartments between which fluid is exchanged: the intravascular and extravascular compartments. Intravascular compartments include the cardiac chambers and the vascular system itself, whereas the extravascular compartments include everywhere else. Fluid moves easily between these compartments, and the extent of this movement is determined primarily by the balance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressures.