English, asked by tajinderk366, 9 days ago

precis writing on topic discontentment is the root cause of all unhappiness. contentment is bliss and whereas discontentment is curse. the more discontented we are, the more unhappy we are. we may have large amounts of money in the bank, we may own vast farms or palace or factories, we may be monopolies with a powerful control over sources of income, we will never be happy if we are discontented discontented man is always a slave to his desires. he act as his own enemy. he does not care for his position or prestige. he does not care for his mental or physical health. he wants the satisfaction of his own desires.he can act as his own friend , if he acquires contentment, but he does not do so. it is in his hands to be free or to be slave. if he controls his desires he becomes free if he is controlled by his desires , he becomes a slave.​


Answered by jatinthakur2968I


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