English, asked by agrawalneetu0907, 10 months ago

Preeti started --------- the strange creature in the cage. fill the preposition


Answered by pawansharma6939


Preeti started at the strange creature in the cage

Answered by lakshmilakku


Preeti stared at the strange creature in the cage.


A preposition is a word or gathering of words utilized before a thing, pronoun, or thing expression to show heading, time, place, area, spatial connections, or to present an item. A few instances of prepositions will be words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."

In view of the various purposes and elements of prepositions, they can be categorized as follows:

Prepositions of Time - used to show when something is going on.

Prepositions of Place - show the spot or position of something.

Prepositions of Direction - used to show the direction in which something voyages or moves.

Prepositions of Location - utilized to indicate the area of a specific object.

Prepositions of Spatial Relationship - used to show an item's development away from the source and towards a source.

To learn more about prepositions, visit


To know more about types of prepositions, visit



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