prem Chopra bought the robat ramsingh oto. He ordered it to steal a necklece.Ramsingh followed his master's instructions. he picked up the necklace swiftly from the show case. turn in to passive voice.
Prem Chopra bought the Robot ramsingh auto*. He ordered it to steal a necklace*.Ramsingh followed his master's instructions. He picked up the necklace swiftly from the show case.
Robot ramsingh auto was bought by Prem Chopra. To steal a necklace was ordered by him. Master's instructions was followed by Ramsingh. From showcase ,the necklace was picked by him.
Things to Note:-
- While converting from direct to Indirect, note that:-
- Subject at last, and predicate in first.
- Some pronominal changes takes place.
- Universal truth do not change.
Correct Question :-
➣ Prem Chopra brought the Robot Ramsingh Auto. He ordered it to steal a necklace. Ramsingh followed his master's instructions. He picked up the necklace swiftly from the showcase. (Active Voice into Passive Voice)
Answer :-
➠ Robot Ramsingh Auto was brought by Prem Chopra. To steal a necklace was ordered by him. Master's instructions has been followed by Ramsingh. From the showcase the necklace has been picked up by him.