prepare a dialogue between two friend regarding de-forestation
Sujon : Assalamu alaikum. How are you Rakib ?
Rakib : Wa alaikumus Salam. I’m fine and how about you?
Sujon : I’m also fine by the grace of the Almighty Allah.
Rakib: Why are you sitting under the banyan tree?
Sujon : It’s very hot today . So this trees shade gives me relaxation.
Rakib : But Sujon , I found 10 trees were cut down by the local people . What are its effects?
Sujon : Cutting trees create deforestation . Deforestation destroy the soil.
Rakib : What more problems may occur from deforestation?
Sujon : Trees are our best friend . It gives oxygen for our inhale.
Rakib : But the way , is there any more bad effect?
Sujon : Deforestation causes frequent floods/ Floods sometimes cause death of people . So cutting trees sometime means cutting throats.
Rakib : How can we improve the situation?
Sujon : We are two plant 2 new trees when we cut one tree.
Rakib : Could you please suggest any more idea ?
Sujon : Yes, of course . Every year different organizations are to observe “Tree Plantation Week”
Rakib : After plantation what the organizations should do?
Sujon : Good question, it is to be fenced and protected.
Rakib : Thank you Sujon.
Sujon : You’re welcome.