English, asked by ebsibaijesus12345678, 1 year ago

Prepare a dialogue writing between two friends in a market . (use a combination of simple , compound and complex sentences in the dialogue​


Answered by phillipinestest

Dialogue writing

Two friends A and B met in a market after a long time. The dialogue that followed between them is as follows:

A: Hello B, what a pleasant surprise to meet you!

B: Good heavens. its you and you look so good.

A: I was talking about you with mother the previous day.

B: So nice of you and how is Aunty?

A: She is fine but her back ache is giving her a lot of trouble.

B: You have to take good care of her so that she recovers soon.

A:  I am looking after her but there are no good doctors in this region.

B: Wait, my uncle is a very renowned doctor and he lives nearby.

A: Is that so, in that case it will be a great help.

B: Here, take his number and give him a call. When you call give my reference.

A: Thank you so much. It is a real stroke of luck that I chanced upon you. Mother will be so happy.

B: Convey my best wishes to Aunty and tell her I will visit her soon.

A: Definitely. Take care and stay safe.

B: You too.

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