Prepare a letter to a leading journalist requesting that a feature be prepared on the rising unemployment among educated youth.
The Editor
The Times of India
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi
Subject: Role of Youth in Eradicating Social Problems
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the youth towards the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption, which are constantly gnawing at the roots of our country.
It is because of them that our country is still considered a developing country and not a developed one. The youth too has a role to play in the country’s development process. Therefore, the youth must participate in the eradication of such problems.
The youth of today has a broader outlook regarding issues concerning them and their country than their previous generations. The young adults are passionate, enthusiastic and quick at expressing their opinion about what pleases or displeases them. Their active participation in protests, demonstrations, candle light marches, etc. to fight injustice or for any social cause has been tremendous in the recent past. However, the youth has the potential to do more.
Please mark brainliest
Youth unemployment is the situation of young people who are looking for a job, but cannot find a job, with the age range being that defined by the United Nations as 15–24 years old. An unemployed person is defined as someone who does not have a job but is actively seeking work. In order to qualify as unemployed for official and statistical measurement, the individual must be without employment, willing and able to work, of the officially designated "working age" (often from the teens to the mid-60s) and actively searching for a position. Youth unemployment rates tend to be higher than the adult rates in every country in the world.
Young people protest about youth unemployment in Hamburg.
Youth unemployment has largely been described as a major, if not the primary catalyst for revolution, political and societal upheaval, and conflict towards the system and state. It has historically been associated with upheaval and change or overthrow of the political establishment and mass societal change. With conflicts such as the Arab Spring, Russian civil war and the French revolution all largely being caused by large scale youth unemployment.[1