prepare a motivation speech for the students of class 10 if they have to face failure
To everybody who failed ..
All of us face failure at one time or another ,There is always something to learn which helps in doing better the next time
My duty is to warn everyone of you from the real danger !
which is GIVING UP ! The only real failure is to give up
we all fail ! and we all can success .. a lot of people , took an exam more than once until they found success
we are all humans , we all fail , right ? but we can all success if we had goals !
so put your own goals !
dreaming is good , but trust me ... making it true is a lot better
so do it ! make your dreams come true ! all of us can do that but we need to try ! WHY NOT TRYING ?! just give it a try
finally , i hope none of you will choose to give up and i hope that all of you will choose to fight , try and work harded