English, asked by ptjosekurumannu, 3 months ago

Prepare a news report about the damages done to nature​. Please give exact answer​ with introduction​


Answered by keshav2150

As a result of human activity, one million animal and plant species could disappear in the next few decades - the most that have ever been at risk in human history.

Only a large-scale reimagining of the world’s economic and financial systems can limit the damage done by humans, according to a new report released by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Human activity has "significantly altered" 75% of our planet's land and 66% of the ocean. As the human population has increased, more than a third of the land surface and 75% of freshwater resources is now used to grow food. Urban areas have doubled in size since 1992.

Since 1980, plastic pollution has grown by tenfold and humans now pump 300-400 million tonnes of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge and other wastes from industrial facilities into our ocean and waterways every year.

The sheer amount of waste we dump in the water has created 400 dead zones in the ocean, areas with so little oxygen almost no life survives.

Intensive industrial agriculture and over-fishing are particular culprits in the natural world’s decline.

Dominic Waughray, Head of the Centre for Global Public Goods at the World Economic Forum, said the report was a wake-up call for governments and businesses.

"The science is clear that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction and we cannot continue with business as usual. The interconnections between the global food system, ecosystems and natural resources, climate change, and people’s health and livelihoods are deeply rooted."

The solution, Waughray said, is a wave of innovation across industries, especially within global supply chains.

"But time is running out – to develop these innovations and scale them up at the speed required we will need governments, businesses, investors, scientists, and community groups to work together in radical cooperation.”

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