English, asked by Hanumant1234, 1 year ago

prepare a note making on the portrait of lady


Answered by SAayushi
English Core

Khushwant Singh describes his intimate relationship with his grandmother and the beautiful time they spent together. The narrator’s parents left him in the village with her because they went to live in the city. They shared the same room in a small village and had nice bonding. Grandmother was a deeply religious minded woman. She recited her morning prayer in a monotonous voice while she bathed and dressed her grandson. Both went to school together as the school was adjacent to the temple. She used to carry several stale chapattis to feed the village dogs. When his parents got settled in the city, they sent for them. It was a turning-point t in their relationship. 

He was admitted to an English school. Grandmother no longer accompanied him to school as he used to go by a motor bus. She gave her silent disapproval when she came to know that he was being taught Western Science. She was distressed to hear that music lessons were imparted in the city school. To her, music had obscene associations. When the grandson went to the university, he was given a room of his own. The common link of friendship was snapped. She accepted her seclusion with resignation. From morning till evening, she used to sit by her wheel, spinning and reciting her prayers. The happiest hour of the day for her was when she would feed the sparrows. 

Gradually her health deteriorated and she felt that her end was near. One day she lay peacefully in her bed telling the beads of her rosary. Her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell from her lifeless fingers. She died peacefully. When her dead body was lying on the floor, many sparrows came and sat by her. The narrator’s mother offered them the bread crumbs. But they took no notice and flew away.  Hide

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