CBSE BOARD X, asked by dhapodkar8782, 1 year ago

Prepare a Pocket Guide on First Aid for your School


Answered by akashsingh72


Hey!!,here is your answer


The First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for fractures, poisoning, cuts and burns, heat and cold wave and other threats that are prevalent in that area. The content shared in the guide should be supported with adequate pictures so as to give a clear and elaborate understanding about the topic. Choose awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people and prepare a brief write-up.

You need to first arrange it, first the cover page should have a red cross, then it should have an index ( it is necessary) the cover page can be of light blue colour with a red crosses box picture.You can use the red red cross pictures that we have posted in the end of this artcile.

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