Political Science, asked by paramrathore, 7 months ago

Prepare a project on

*CONSUMER AWARNESS *in about 10-12 pages.

You are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that you have learned over the years.

• Consumer Rights


Answered by db8020441








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Introduction (2-3 pages)

We buy a variety of goods and services in our day-to-day life. Whatever we buy wepay for it and derive satisfaction from its consumption and use. But sometimes wedo not feel satisfied with the product we buy. This may be on account of poor quality ofthe product, overcharging by the shopkeeper, lower quantity of contents, misleadingadvertisement, and so on.

Meaning of Consumer

A consumer is a person who consumes or uses any goods or services.Goods may be consumables like wheat flour, salt, sugar, fruit etc. or durable items liketelevision, refrigerator, toaster, mixer, bicycle etc. Services refer to items like electricity,cooking gas, telephone, transportation, film show etc. Normally, it is the consumption oruse of go

ods and services that makes the person to be called as „consumer‟. But in the

eyes of law, both the person who buys any goods or hires any service for consideration(price) and the one who uses such goods and services with the approval of the buyer aretermed as consumers. For example, when your father buys apple for you and you consumethem, your father as well as yourself are treated as consumers. The same thing applies tohiring a taxi to go to your school. In other words, even the buyer of goods and serviceswhether he uses them himself or purchases them for consumption or use by some otherperson(s) is treated as consumer in the eyes of law. However, a person who buys goodsfor resale (like wholesaler, retailer, etc.) or for any commercial purpose is not treated asconsumer.Under the Consumer Protection Act 1986, the word


has been defined separatelyfor the purpose of goods and services.

(a) For the purpose of goods, a consumer means (i) one who buysany goods for consideration; and (ii) any user of such goodsother than the person who actually buys it, provided such use ismade with the approval of the buyer.

(The expression ‘consumer’ does not include a person who

obtains such goods for resale or for any commercial purpose.)(b) For the purpose of services, a consumer means (i) one who hiresany service or services for consideration; and (ii) any beneficiaryof such service(s) provided the service is availed with theapproval of such person.

Concept of Consumer Protectionand Common Malpractices

(1 page)

Consumer protection means safeguarding the interest and rights of consumers. In otherwords, it refers to the measures adopted for the protection of consumers from unscrupulousand unethical malpractices by the business and to provide them speedy redressal of theirgrievances. The most common business malpractices leading to consumer exploitation aregiven below:(a) Sale of adulterated goods i.e., adding something inferior to the product being sold.(b) Sale of spurious goods i.e., selling something of little value instead of the real product.(c) Sale of sub-standard goods i.e., sale of goods which do not confirm to prescribed


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