English, asked by biswajitsutar16440, 4 months ago

prepare a report on covid -19 wearness program at your locality​


Answered by nehanshahid123




Florida has declared a public health emergency, and Berlin has reported the first case. It is now clear that the Coronavirus outbreak that happened in China, has now spread to second, third and fourth countries. In India, Kerala has reported three cases, Delhi, Hyderabad and Jaipur, one each. The Corona Virus has spread to 34 more countries in a month. At Mumbai International Airport, passengers arriving from China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam, Italy, Iran and Malaysia are being screened.

1. Social Distancing

The virus gets spread by droplets that are infused into the air, during coughing and sneezing. One way to prevent this virus from spreading is to do 'social distancing', that is shutting any kind of social mingling activities.

India is a very densely populated country. If infected cases are found, localities and cities will have to be shut down, to prevent its spread. Schools, colleges, religious places, public transport, metro railway, malls and public parks come under this category.

Evidence has shown that crowded emergency rooms of the hospitals are the entry points for the virus too. Front line health workers at a risk.

2. Restricting Travel

Preventing the virus to enter the Indian territory is the best public health response that the country should provide to its citizens. This would mean stopping Visas for the affected nations, and conducting screening at all the international airports, seaports and borders in the country.

The virus entering into the country through neighboring countries is also a threat as cases have been found in Nepal and Pakistan.

3. Health Care Strengthening

Health authorities in many countries are frantically trying to prepare for a possible spread of the virus epidemic. Hospitals run out of testing kits, respirators, oxygen, masks, gown, gloves and drugs when the epidemic spreads and stockpiling by hospitals needs to be done.Doctors will have to be educated to reuse equipment carefully. Isolation wards and units must be prepared in order to keep patients quarantine. The mortality of the disease is 2%, old and those with weak immunity are at risk.

The way an epidemic hitchhike depends upon a variable, the reproductive rate R - the rate at which a new case will give rise to further cases. R is going to be high in countries where public health interventions are less.

Physical barriers, good hygiene and reducing various forms of mingle can help in bringing the R down. Well-equipped healthcare facilities, enough supplies and public awareness can provide a better response to the epidemic.

4. Self-Reporting and Self Isolating

The good thing about Corona is that the fatality of the virus is low. The fatality rate in Hubei, the province of China, where Wuhan is located, is 2.9%.

All those who test positive with mild symptoms, are health wise not facing much discomfort, little cough and fever, at the initial stages. If they self-isolate themselves at home, for 14 days and take regular medicines, they will be fine, but they will have to wait for another 14 days before they get back to normal life, so that they do not infect others.

Awareness among the people to self-report and self-isolate will help in containing the disease from spreading. A strong messaging system within the country would also be effective

5. Public Awareness

A situation of panic in the case of any epidemic makes things worse. This disease is indeed like any other flu and can eventually be handled by medicine and care. Just a little bit of extra care taken by an infected person, about not spreading the infection can help in controlling things.

A sudden influx of patients in Chinese hospitals, made them overwhelmed. India will not be able to impose as strict restrictions as China, but an aware population, that neither dismisses the risk not panic, and handles the times of crisis with compassion and courage, will put India in good stead.

Government will have to take steps to restrict public gatherings, and compensating a loss of job, or wages, to the poor and the vulnerable.

A digitized service industry, as is available in parts in the country will help too in containing the spread. Finally, those who panic for losing wealth because of the loss of health, will also have to exercise patience to keep the nation fit, economically and physically




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