Social Sciences, asked by fazmin, 2 months ago

Prepare a seminar paper on'The expansion of the sultanate Mughal rule in medieval India


Answered by AKingNamedHG


Islam rose in Arabia and spread quickly in different parts of the world under the

caliphs. The Arabian armies captured the large parts of central Asia and even attacked India in 712 AD. The next important invasion into India was when Mahmud

Ghazni attacked India. His main intention was to carry the wealth of India to Ghazni.

In the 12th century India was divided into small kingdoms mostly ruled by Rajput

chiefs. During this time the political condition of central Asia was not good because of

which Muhammad Ghori was to look towards India for expansion. In AD 1191 (First

battle of Tarain) Muhammad Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan. In 1192 (second battle of Tarain) Muhammad Ghori returned and this time Rajput forces were defeated. Thus Delhi passed into the hands of Turks. Muhammad Ghori left his Indian

possessions in the hands of his trusted slave – general Qutbuddin Aibak which led to the

establishment of Delhi Sultanate. Iltutmish further consolidated the Sultanate by putting

down internal rebellions and conciliating the nobility by forming of ‘Group of Forty’. The

last powerful Sultan of slave dynasty was Balban who became the Sultan in AD 1266.

He ruled in an autocratic manner and worked hard to elevate the position of sultan.

After the death of Balban in AD 1287, the Khaljis came to the power in AD 1290.

The coming of Khaljis marked a break in the monopoly of Turkish rule. Jalaluddin

Khalji laid the foundation of Khalji dynasty. In AD 1296, Alauddin Khalji murdered his

uncle and father-in-law Jalaluddin Khalji and crowned himself as Sultan. He restored

the prestige of the crown. He suppressed the nobility and ruled as an autocrat. His

able general Alp Khan, Nusrat Khan, Zafar Khan, Ulugh Khan, Malik Kafur won him

many victories. Another important measure taken by Alauddin was the establishmentof markets where good were sold at fixed prices and did not allow any trader to earn

more profit. He set up different markets for different commodities in Delhi.

The Khalji dynasty was followed by the Tughlaqs. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq ascended the

throne in AD 1320. He was succeeded by Muhammad Tughlaq in AD 1325. Muhammad

Tughlaq is famous for his innovative projects. These projects included the transfer of his

capital from Delhi to Daultabad, and introduction of token currency. Following the death

of Muhammad Tughlaqs, the amirs and ulemas placed Firuz Tughlaq on the throne.

During his reign the forces of disintegration were active. In AD 1398 Timur invaded the

Delhi Sultanate in order to plunder it. The invasion of Timur gave an opportunity to the

provincial Kingdoms to declare their independence from the Sultanate.

Malik sarwar began to rule as a defacto ruler of Jaunpur. Another province Malwa also

threw its allegiance to Delhi Sultanate and its ruler Mahmud Khalji expanded the boundaries of Malwa. Gujarat broke away from the Sultanate when its governor Zafar Khan

began ruling as an independent ruler. The most famous ruler of Gujarat was Ahmad

Shah who founded Ahmedabad. The most remarkable ruler of the provincial Kingdoms

was Zainal Abidin the ruler of Kashmir. Under him Kashmir became a strong and

prosperous state. Bengal the Eastern most province of the Sultanate was annexed

many times to Delhi Sultanate but repeatedly gained its independence. Haji Iliyas united

Bengal which was divided into three administrative divisions by Delhi Sultanate.

Timur appointed Khizr Khan as the ruler of Multan, who laid the foundation of

Sayyid dynasty. This dynasty was replaced by Afghans as the Lodi dynasty

founded by Bahlol Lodi in AD 1451. Bahlol Lodi was a capable ruler who was

able to win the support of his nobles. He was followed by Sikander Lodi. The last

of the Lodis, Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur in AD 1526 in the battle of

Panipat. The Delhi Sultanate which had its birth in AD 1192 breathed its last in

AD 1526 thus giving way to the establishment of the Mughal Empire.

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