prepare a short description about the factors and process involved in pencil production
Many pencil-making companies are in Tennessee, harking back to the old days when they set up shop in this area to have easier access to the valuable red cedar oak. The best trees are around 14-years-old since they're mature enough to be cut. By the time the tree is chopped down and ready to go, each manufacturer follows a similar format in creating the pencils.
• Step One: The wood is softened and cut into slats called "pencil stock" or "pencil squares."
• Step Two: A wax and stain are applied and the slats are passed under a cutting wheel.
• Step Three: The grooves in the slat are filled with a special elastic glue for the lead.
• Step Four: Lead is create by mixing graphite and clay and baking it in an oven at about 1500°F.
• Step Five: After the lead is added, another slat of wood is loaded on top like a sandwich.
• Step Six: A mechanized plunger squeezes the "sandwich" together and the glue dries.
• Step Seven: The "sandwiches" are sliced into pencils.
• Step Eight: The pencils go through a lacquering head, getting their color and sheen.
• Step Nine: A rubber eraser is added to the top via an assembly machine.