prepare A short poem of changing world
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In a short time things have changed so much,
People have lost that caring and genuine touch.
Technology and innovation
has caused more tribulation.
Things used to be simple back then,
only a few were fake.
These days every one has an alter ego,
an avatar, fake face.
Sweet little lies were just that,
for some the changes are hard to accept.
When we can't trust, partners, friends,
even those we elect..
Those one usually on depends !
The changing face of the world,
is by deception and lies controlled !
They alter and change the game and laws
they don't play fair and desperately
hang on to the controls !
A name replaced by a number,
they can trace you on ! They know !
As they change they force change !
On to individuals and things like this Go !
More deception and more hidden faceless people,
more opportunity for abuse if they think they
will not be discovered or uncovered !
Did individuals start this ?
Or did our Governments ?
Perhaps we are learning from
the secret societies ? History ?
Working in stealth to gain control and wealth !