CBSE BOARD X, asked by sarveshrangnath1, 10 months ago

Prepare a speech for morning assembly reflecting on the following questions:
(a) How do you feel today about the outbreak of the pandemic of Covid- 19 in the country?
(b) Explain briefly what most of us can do to help others in this moment of crisis?
(c) Are we serious about our responsibilities as citizens?
The speech should be in 120-150 words and include facts from news.​


Answered by OpAryan1

A). Feeling very good


  • Check on Other People
  • Spread Good News and Kindness
  • Become a Volunteer Listener
  • Become a Volunteer Crisis Counselor Via Text
  • Make a Donation
  • Become a Mentor at CareerVillage
  • Volunteer at Be My Eyes

C). India is is a democratic country where its citizens live freely however they have lots of rights and responsibilities towards their country. Rights and responsibilities are two sides of a coin and both go side to side. If we have rights must have their corresponding responsibilities too. Rights responsibilities go hand in hand with us where we live in whatever home, city, villages, society, state and country. Now-a-days, students gets assigned by their teacher to write some paragraphs or complete essay on any topic to enhance their English writing skill and knowledge as well as spread awareness. Following some paragraphs are, short essays and on Rights and Responsibilities to citizens to help students in completing their related task. All the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens essay are written very simply. So, you can select an essay according to your need and requirement.

Hope it helps......

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