prepare a speech on creating wealth for recycling the waste
I have already written this answer in memo which I m going to share with u. Here's your answer:
Good morning to the dynamic principal, chairman of the institution,learned and learning teachers and all my dear friends who are present here to hear my speech on the topic 'Creating wealth for recycling the waste.'
......( see the attachments)
So at the end to conclude my topic I would like to say that ' one man's thrash is other man's treasure.' So try not to waste materials that you have in your hand.
Thanks and have an awesome day ahead.
Hope this will help u

A speech on creating wealth for recycling the waste:
Hello Friends
I am here today evening to talk to you on Creating Wealth by Recycling Waste. The slogan reads Wealth from Waste. This does seem to be a tall order. but it is something that is the need of the hour. Every side we turn to, we can see mounds of garbage heaped up in every street. With such a huge population we are bound to produce tons and tons of garbage. The only solution would be to practice the three R’s in all sectors.
First reduce the waste, reuse and recycle. Wealth from waste can be created in many ways. The Government has taken steps to convert the waste into energy and a few plants have been commissioned in a few places. This is a great wealth-creating measure and very soon it will bear fruits.
Another option is creating compost out of the waste. This is used for gardens and reduces waste as well as creates wealth. The local waste marts collect household waste and segregate it. Newspapers, plastics, bottles etc are sent for recycling.
Plastic today is also being used to lay roads. Similarly, old unused notebooks etc are reused by children who cannot afford to buy new ones. The scrap dealers in steel and other industrial waste make a huge amount of money just by dealing in industrial scrap of all sorts. In all these ways we can see that waste is wealth too.
It is my humble request to each one of you to involve yourself in the segregation process at home and see that waste that reaches the landfills is reduced. This will not only create a cleaner environment but will also create wealth in its own way. Mother Earth will thank you for this.
Thank you.