Prepare a speech on the importance of Van Mahotasava

Van mahotsav is an annual tree planting movement in India which initially began in 1950. The name Van mahotsav means the festival of trees. It has gained significant importance every year. Millions of saplings are planted across India in observation of van mahotsav.
Van mahotsav festival was started in 1950 by Dr K M Munshi , then the Union minister for Agriculture and Food to create enthusiasm among masses for forest conservation and planting trees. It is celebrated in almost all parts of India, but usually begins between 1st July to 7thJuly.
The festival raises the awareness of trees among people and highlights the need for planting and tending trees as one of the best ways to prevent global warming and reduce pollution.
We are required to write a speech on the importance of Van Mahotsav. The speech on the topic Van Mahotsav is as under:
Good morning to all present here,
I am Rishika of Standard XII B and I have come before you to speak about the function of Mahotsav. The answer to why you are present here and why I am giving this speech is because we all present here already know the value of our forests and we all want to protect them.
As you all know I am sure that this Mahotsav was celebrated for the first time in 1950 and it was then the Agriculture Minister appealed to the masses to take care of the trees and forests.
This is very important and I think it is more important in the present times as we are always cutting the forest to occupy the ever-increasing population.
This should not be done. We should value our forests and let us today take an oath to protect our forests and always celebrate the function of Van Mahotsav as the birthday of the forests.
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