Physics, asked by erapasreedeepthi, 10 months ago

Prepare a temporary mount of any leaf peel, observe the stomata and draw their
picture? Write a short note on the same.​


Answered by Anonymous


To prepare a temporary mount of leaf peel to show its stomata. For this you need leaf of a plant, forceps, watch glass, slide, coverslip, brush, needles, safranin, glycerin, and microscope.


i. Peel off the leaf from it’s under surface and put the peel in a watch glass containing water.

ii. Add a few drops of saffron stain into the watch glass to stain the peel.

iii. Take out the stained peel on the cleaned slide.iv. Remove the excess stain from the slide.

iv. Remove the excess stain from the slide.

v. Put a drop of glycerin on the slide over the peeled cover it gently with coverslip without air bubbles.


i. The epidermis is seen in the mount. It appears as a single layer of cells without intracellular spaces.

ii. Minute pores (openings) are seen embedded in between epidermal cells.

Answered by Akshayakutty


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