Biology, asked by manithoikangjam321, 5 months ago

prepare a temporary mount to observe poller germination?​


Answered by pds39937


Procedure: Prepare a nutrient solution by dissolving 10g sucrose and 10 mg boric acid in 100 ml water. Take a few drops of this solution on a clear slide, dust a few pollen grains from the stamen of a mature flower in it. Obverse the slide under the microscope after 5 minutes.

A pollen grain was considered germinated when pollen tube length was at least equal to or greater than the grain diameter [15]. Germination percentage (%) was determined by dividing the number of germinated pollen grains per field of view by the total number of pollen per field of view

Answered by olimpica111


Pollen germination can be studied by dusting some pollens from common flowers like Crotalaria, Hibiscus, Pisum, etc. on a glass slide containing a drop of 10% sugar solution or tender coconut water or any nutrient medium. Observe the slide after about 10 – 15 minutes under the low power of compound microscope.

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