prepare a web page of our college offering various courses
Courses Page
This page is the most vital page that could drive you more admissions. First, we need to educate the user, later create interest and then convert using the proper call of action buttons.
Step 1: Educating the User
Basic info about the course and its importance with an option to download a detailed course brochure is mandatory for colleges. If you want to create a website for schools, you can rename this page as Value Added Courses and list out the national or international level competitive exams the school is training their students. Let us say for an example, holy faith talent search examination, national level Olympiad, IGSC and career-oriented exams such as AIEEE and JEE exams.
Step 2: Creating Interest
Placement opportunities after pursuing this course shall be included in each and every course page, particularly for colleges. This helps the user to choose the course that suits his/her requirement. Unlike other businesses, the admission team does actual sales and their activities should not look like they are doing core sales. So mentioning the unique value that creates interest is very crucial.
Secondly, show the course fee next to the placement opportunities. This placement will make people give less focus to your fees. Even though your fees are high, the value it can bring to them (Opportunities) could divert them from sticking with the price factor.
Step 3: Call of Action
Here the call of action is nothing but creating an option for the user to reach you without navigating to the other pages. Show them what they need to do to contact your admission team.
Faculties list
We can mention the list of faculties who are in the department. Students can get their official contact information from the faculty profile and reach them for any queries.