Prepare a word register of 4 Collective Nouns
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collective nouns used for animals
- a flock of sheep
- a bouquet of flowers
- a swarm of bees
- a school of fish
hope this helps.
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#answerwithquality and #BAL
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Shoal– A group of fish
Troupe – A group of actors/acrobats
Mob - an angry or unruly group of people
Panel - a group of experts
- Most times thesaurus users are not looking for something which means exactly the same as the word they already have. To assist in this situation, thesaurus comprises lists of related words - that are words whose meanings are close enough to the synonym group to be of the user's interest
- Collective nouns are names for a number of people/things or a collection. Depending upon the meanings in in the given context, a collective noun can be substituted with a plural/singular pronoun

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