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Plastic bags are one of the most commonly used things today. It makes our work easier and gives us a lot of conveniences. They have formed an essential part of our lives now. We use them almost every day for various purposes.
Essay on Plastic Bag
The usage is to the extent that we often get angry at the shopkeeper who refuses to offer us the plastic bag. It becomes daunting to carry your own bag every time. The shopkeeper’s refusal is due to the government ban on plastic bags. One often wonders why? Plastic bags make our lives easier but at what cost? They damage our earth and environment. It is high time we all stop using plastic bags.
Stop Using Plastic Bags
There are a number of reasons to say no to plastic bags. We must stop using them to better our environment and save it from degradation. There are various eco-friendly alternatives that can be used to stop the usage of plastic bags.
Firstly, plastic bags are a major source of plastic pollution. As they are non-biodegradable, they take years to decompose. They contribute to a lot of waste which keeps collecting over the years. Plastic takes thousands of years to break down and decompose. It remains in the land which contributes to the rising problem of land pollution.
Similarly, it also causes water pollution. As people throw away the bags carelessly on the roads, in the drains and rivers, they enter the water bodies. They are carried away by winds in them and sometimes dumped into water deliberately. This plastic bag goes deep in the water and also hampers the aquatic life.
Furthermore, plastic bags contaminate the soil causing hindrance to growth of plants. They seep into the soil after breaking down and remain there causing infertility in soils. The chemical hampers the soil and interferes with agriculture.
Most importantly, plastic causes the death of animals. The animals have no sense of what to eat and what to avoid. The stray animals gulp down plastic bags that get stuck in their bodies. In other words, this causes serious illnesses in their bodies. Sometimes, they choke to death after eating plastic bags.
How to Avoid Plastic Bags?
Though it may be difficult to avoid the plastic bags at first, it needs to be done for the greater good. Plastic is slowly and steadily eating away our planet and damaging it. The government has banned the use of plastic bags but still, people continue to use it despite the ban.
In order to implement these laws strictly, the government must take strict action against the ones using it. Moreover, each of us must come forward to practice this ban and make it successful. We must not buy plastic bags from shopkeepers. Instead, we must refuse to take our groceries in them when the shopkeeper offers us.
Furthermore, we must carry our own cloth or paper bags for shopping. Try to pack your food in steel or aluminum containers instead of plastic ones.
We must encourage children to avoid the use of plastic bags. If we see someone using it, we must call them out immediately. Never throw away the plastic on roads, as animals die after consuming it. We must come together to initiate a ban on plastic and make the world safer and healthier.
Plastic pollution is a problem that the whole world is facing together. We are finding microplastic pieces in our waterways, in the food we eat, and in the water we drink. Collectively, we need to take action and say no to plastic.
Plastic waste does not degrade at a sustainable rate. The more we continue to make, the more waste continues to build up. When plastic waste is not disposed of properly, it ends up in the environment, which is causing devastating impacts. Each single-use plastic item we use today adds to the mass problem of tomorrow (and beyond).
But just how bad is it? And how can we reduce the issue? This article explains why we should and how we can say no to plastic, with great alternative options.
New, shocking plastic-pollution facts are discovered every week. Whales and deer have been found dead from ingesting it. But it’s not only them. Birds, smaller marine mammals, and even humans have plastic inside their bodies. We are only now coming to the realization of just how huge a problem plastic pollution is.
Plastic may take 1000 years to degrade. But it could be much longer. We do know that it can break into tiny microplastic pieces that enter the food chain.
Up to 12.7 Million tonnesof plastic enter the ocean each year (equivalent weight of 12 Million Elephants)
There will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050 (This is based on total weight and fish stocks as per 2015 levels)
88–95% of this plastic entering the ocean comes from just 10 rivers around the world
These huge volumes of plastic are accumulating with conjoining ocean currents to form floating “plastic patches”. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest one, being roughly three times the size of France.
Apart from destroying the environment, it’s likely that plastic will end up killing us too if we are not careful. There has been a significant focus on microplastics in the ocean. However, microplastics can also be inhaled via dust. What does that mean for our health and wellbeing?
Recently, microplastic particles have been found in the placentas of unborn babies. This can’t be good. Plastic is a synthetic chemical compound, and in general, the ingestion of any chemicals into our system does not have a great outcome. A build-up of microplastics in our system could be toxic and result in negative immune system responses. However, more studies are required to understand the full complexity of the effects.
This begs to ask the question if there is a correlation between the invention and use of plastic food packaging on a mass scale and an increase in people’s immune-related illnesses.
Pollution from Plastic Bags
Plastic bags have been very useful since their inception in the 1960s. But, the time has come to say no to plastic bags. 2 Million Plastic Bags are used every minute around the world and up to 30 Million plastic bags enter the environment each year.
Plastic bags are easily displaced by wind and can travel large distances. Unfortunately, they often end up falling into sensitive natural areas. Even using mainstream garbage disposal techniques (curbside rubbish bins and designated landfills), plastic bags still manage to make their way into water sources and natural areas.
In the ocean, a floating plastic bag looks like a jellyfish (which is considered food by many different marine species). This is resulting in plastic consumption and ultimately prevents marine animals from digesting real food.
They can also get ripped apart during the sorting process at landfills. These ripped pieces are easily blown away from the site, which can lead to the death of land animals near landfills. These are just some of the many reasons why we must say no to plastic bags.
Although plastic bags can be recycled, we should avoid adding new volumes into circulation. Luckily there are plenty of new plastic bag alternatives out there.