Prepare an investigatory report on garbage management system in varanasi flowchart
Solid waste management is one of the major environmental challenges in India due to rapid urbanization and
population explosion. Changing life style patterns, particularly in urban areas has led to increase in generation
of municipal solid waste and also the waste composition. In Indian cities the proportion of organic matter in
solid waste ranges between 40-60%. Windrows composting and biomethanization are the most suitable cost
effective method for disposal of biodegradable waste. In the present study the existing state of solid waste
management in Varanasi city has been reviewed for identification of major factors that affects the efficiency and
end product recovery from waste. The present waste collection and processing efficiency of Varanasi is 95.88%.
The existing processing plant can process 600 TPD mixed waste and 15 TPD organic wastes. The transportation
of mixed waste cause health and sanitation related problems in urban area and also affect the quality of compost.
Therefore it can be concluded that improvement in infrastructure for segregated waste collection and
transportation is required to improve the quality of compost and its sale. This will also improve the financial
health of Municipal Corporation
Keyword : Urbanization, Organic Matter, Windrows Composting, Biomethanization, Biodegradable Waste
1. Introduction
Rapid urban development and population explosion in India has led to generate thousands of tons of solid waste
daily [1]. Inadequate vehicles for transportation of waste and unavailability of suitable land for establishment of
waste processing unit in urban area have developed a critical situation for management of solid waste [2][3].
Disposal of waste on the streets, drains, open spaces, water bodies, etc., causing adverse impact on all components
of the environment and human health. As per MSW Rule, 2016 it is an obligatory duty of municipal authorities to
develop scientific landfill for disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). Poor financial status of municipal
corporations in India causes difficulties in providing the desired level of public services in the urban centers [4][5].
Therefore proper infrastructure and financial support is required for the management of MSW. The present case
study aims to determine the current status of solid waste management in Varanasi. The study includes analysis of
daily waste generation, waste composition, collection & transportation infrastructure and the existing waste
processing facility. This study will be useful for Municipal Corporation to strengthen the performance of solid waste
2. Material and method
2.1. Study area
Varanasi is a city on the banks of the river Ganga in Uttar Pradesh. It is a pilgrimage place and a holy site for sacred
baths in the river Ganga. As per census 2011, there are 1.91 lakh households in Varanasi with nearly 11.98 lakh
population. Daily flow of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world to the city is constantly increasing city
population from decade to decade. Varanasi city is geographically located at latitude and longitude of 25.2820° N,
82.9563° E with an elevation of 80.71 meters from the sea level[6][7]. The solid waste management system of
Varanasi city is being managed by Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC). The municipal area of VMC is 82.1
km², which is divided in 90 administrative wards for management of basic services to citizens