prepare and submit acetanilide from aniline
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To Prepare And Submit Acetanilide from Aniline
Apparatus Required & Chemical Required:- wire-gauze, tripod stand, round bottom flask, water, condenser, burner, iron-stand, clamp, measuring cylinder, Aniline, Glacial acetic acid, Acetic anhydride
Acetanilide is prepared by reaction of aniline with acetic anhydride with the use of glacial acetic acid.
1. First take 5 ml of acetic anhydride (100 ml) in a conical flask then add 5 ml of glacial acetic acid and shake the continuously.
2. Then add 5 ml of aniline
3. Then fit a water condenser.
4. Keep the flask on a wire-gauze placed on a tripod stand and then boil the mixture for 10 min.
5. Then cool it. Then place it on an ice bath with vigorous stirring and filter the white ppt. with water.
6. Then recrystallise it with ethanol.
Result: By observing the amount of drug obtained calculate the result.