Prepare the text of a group discussion on the topic online education work from home have we arrived in virtual world there should be at least 20dialogues ?
Me : Hey! How are you?
Friend : Fine. How are your online classes going on?
Me : Quite good. It has been a different experience for us ,isn't it ?
Friend : Certainly, it uses a lot of network , and if it is raining I am not able join the class. What are your views about it ?
Me : I think it is very useful for our school, it is making the use of technology to take online classes and even I found it very useful.
Friend : But anyway I don't like the concept of online classes though.
Me : I think the teachers are doing a commendable job trying to put up virtual classes so that we don't miss things out.
Friend : I agree but such classes require active learning , either we concentrate or we are lost, and who knows who is doing what and there is a lot lot of expense our parents have to take .
Me : Just look at the advantages that it has. It is convenient provides more individual attention and also makes us more independent and self-disciplined.
Friend : I don't agree because ,there is no clue as to what a student is doing , maybe they are busy with some other stuff. Maybe it's too early to comment on it. Let's see what it has to offer in the future .