Prepare the timeline chart of the French revolution from the year 1770s to 1799? no spam no gooogle answer ?
Step-by-step explanation:
1788 – The royal treasury is empty; Prelude to the Revolution
1789 – The Revolution Begins; the Estates-General and the Constituent Assembly
1790 – the Rise of the Political Clubs
1791 – The unsuccessful flight of the Royal Family from Paris
1792 – War and the overthrow of the monarchy
December 10, 1792-January 21, 1793 – Trial and Execution of Louis XVI
1793 – France at war against Europe; The Jacobins seize power; The Terror begins
1794 – The fury of the Terror or, the Cult of the Supreme Being, and the Downfall of Robespierre
1795 – The Directory Replaces the Convention
1796 – Napoleon's campaign in Italy; Defeat of the royalists in the Vendée; a failed uprising in Paris
1797 – Bonaparte chases the Austrians from Italy; a republican coup d'état against the royalists in Paris
1798 – New republics in Switzerland and Italy; an election annulled; Bonaparte invades Egypt
1799 – France at War in Italy and Germany; Bonaparte returns from Egypt; the Consulate seizes power; End of the Revolution
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